
Caring For Parakeet Cost

                                        Caring For Parakeet Cost      Before buying a budgie you must know a lot of things. Research about  how to care for budgie , but their are other essential things you must calculate. That is the cost of caring for budgie. Remember to comment and subscribe      These are the cost of  caring for a budgie .  The obvious one is buying a budgie which is $25 Food $120 a year Vet costs. You should have $200 set aside for any emergencies Cage $30-$500 depending on what cage you are  getting . This could add a little bit to your utility  bill , but no scary numbers $100 set aside if you want to add or upgrade anything  Budgies have lifespan of about 15 years Total budgie lifetime expenses: $3,070

2 Tricks You Can Teach Your Pet Bird

Step-Up Command     This is the most valuable trick to teach your bird. Teaching birds tricks increases bonds and allows you to socialize. Teaching your bird to step up is fundamental to other tricks as well. It can come in handy for a lot of stuff. This is also a really fun and exciting trick. This is your short blog from Bird Frontier. Smash that subscribe button for more.  Create Your Trick     The best and proven method in training a bird is clicker training This trick allows you to create your tricks with your feathery friend. You can show off to friends and get popular on social media. This is the most fun thing to do with your little buddy. Remember to smash that subscribe button for more, and come back tomorrow for my new post.

4 Most Popular Companion Birds As Pets

  1. Budgie/Parakeet    Budgerigar/Parakeet are great pets to have. If you are considering buying a parakeet you might want to read the blog posts I did before this one. Budgerigar/Parakeet is a great pet for children. Budgies are great starter pets for a bird lover. They require little maintenance, they are social, playful, smart and are inexpensive to keep. Parakeets still require the same attention as large parrots. Budgies allow you to have the same experience as large parrots for one-tenth of the price. Parakeets spend their whole day playing and singing. Budgies could live from 12-14 years.   2. Cockatiel    The cockatiel is a medium-sized parrot that have a crest on their head like a Cockatoo. They also come in a lot of different colours. These medium-sized parrots are my personal favorite. Just like budgies, they are also Australian native, and just like large parrots can learn to talk. Cockatiels can live from 15 to 20 years.  3. Finch ...

A Complete Guide To Keeping A Pet Budgie

      Budgies/ Parakeets are a favorite for Bird lovers everywhere. These adorable creatures are loved for their affection and because they are social pets. They are not expensive to keep and are easy to care for.  Budgies are Parakeets, Some Parakeets not Budgies     Budgies are known as parakeets and many other names too. Budgies are traditionally from Australia. You have to realize that some parakeets are not also budgies. A lot of people sometimes look for parakeets for sale as it is also a trending keyword but don't know that some large parrots are also known as parakeets. Confusing huh. Let me tell you an example. A parrot I love is the Indian Ringneck parakeet. Yes, Parakeet. I hope you guys understand now. 2 Different Types       When we think of budgies and their habitat we think of the traditional Australian budgies. There are many different colours bred. They are mutated for the pet trade. Just like this, there is another type of b...

Buying a Budgie You Must Know...

     So you are looking to buy a bird. You don't know what bird you should buy. Should you buy a lovebird, cockatiel, or a budgie? Then finally you decide you want a budgie as a starter pet. WAIT! Read this before you buy a budgie/parakeet. Budgies Silent But Noisy     Budgies are noisy but not loud. Budgies are social creatures and spend most of there day singing and chirping. Budgies are easy to tame and love playing with their owner and other budgies too. If you have a noise-sensitive creature (for example a newborn baby) in your household a budgie might not be the best pet for you. Having a budgie is noisy, but if you are looking for true loyal love a budgie is something you might want to get.  More Than One Budgie Is The Best    As I said earlier budgies are social creatures. Having one budgie is good but you will have to spend a lot of time with it. You will have to spend time giving attention to your budgie. Having more than one budgie will...