4 Most Popular Companion Birds As Pets

 1. Budgie/Parakeet

   Budgerigar/Parakeet are great pets to have. If you are considering buying a parakeet you might want to read the blog posts I did before this one. Budgerigar/Parakeet is a great pet for children. Budgies are great starter pets for a bird lover. They require little maintenance, they are social, playful, smart and are inexpensive to keep. Parakeets still require the same attention as large parrots. Budgies allow you to have the same experience as large parrots for one-tenth of the price. Parakeets spend their whole day playing and singing. Budgies could live from 12-14 years.  

2. Cockatiel

   The cockatiel is a medium-sized parrot that have a crest on their head like a Cockatoo. They also come in a lot of different colours. These medium-sized parrots are my personal favorite. Just like budgies, they are also Australian native, and just like large parrots can learn to talk. Cockatiels can live from 15 to 20 years. 

3. Finch

   Finches are amazing birds. They are less than 5 inches which means they can fit in small cages. Finches are known to take up less space and for their waxy beaks. Finches also do not require much attention. Finches can live up to 10 years

4. Lovebird

  These adorable birds are increasing in demand every day. Why? They posses the intelligence of a $5000 macaw. These quite birds are ideal for apartments and condos. These colourful birds are one you cannot overlook. Warning! Lovebirds can be aggressive to other species of birds. These are jealous and adorable birds that will do everything to grab your attention. If you already are a bird owner you might want to consider this before buying a lovebird. Lovebirds can live up to 20 years. 

Trending Searches

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